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@First real RCS checkin
@.so User:msh/doc/an
.TH "Fax" 1 "El Cheapo" "Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert" "V29.05.93"
."savetabs off
Usage: iff2fax [-o fax-file (ilbm.g3)] [-r raw faxfile] [-a (append)]
[-sN skip N BODYs]
[-x/y x/y-offset (50)] [-v] [-i (invert)] iff-files
Usage: asc2fax [-o fax-file (ascii.g3)] [-r raw faxfile] [-a (append)]
[-x/y x/y-offset (50)] [-v] [-i (invert)]
[-f name.font] [-s fontsize] ascii-files
Usage: append [-o fax-file] fax-files
Usage: fax2iff [-o iff-file (fax.iff)] [-v] [-i (invert)] fax-files
Usage: faxsend [-f faxdevice] [-l loglevel] [-v] phone [files..]
Usage: faxrecv [-d queuedir/] [-f faxdevice] [-l loglevel] [-v] [-i]
El Cheapo Fax is a very cheap and simple package to send and receive faxes
using your Amiga and a suitable (Class 2) Fax modem. It is not particulary
user-friendly, nor is it blazingly fast. It just does everything I need. In
fact, as you and I don't need facsimile at all, it does a lot more.
The basic way of using El Cheapo Fax is that you first create a fax data
file from text or IFF ILBM source files, and later send this file to the
receiving fax. Each fax page will be in a separate file.
In the other direction, you receive a fax file first, and afterwards you
can convert it to a viewable IFF ILBM file.
The necessary software has partly been scraped together from various
sources. See the section on copyright for full details. All original code
is @@X(169) Copyright 1993 by Olaf Seibert, and All Rights are Reserved.
The GNU General Public License applies to this software. The text of the
GPL can be found in the file COPYING.
- A Class 2 fax modem.
- A 7 to 10 wire cable that connects TXD (2), RXD (3), RTS (4), CTS (5),
DSR (6), GND (7) and DTR (20) and optionally Shield GND (1), DCD (8) and RI
- Large fonts. Suggested are 30+ high pixels for fixed-width fonts, 50+ for
proportional fonts.
- An IFF ILBM file viewer.
.I faxsend
relies on RTS/CTS handshaking between the modem and the computer. It seems
that this is not standard, but is at least supported by the Supra V32bis
FAX modem, ROM version 1.200H.
Currently, no parameters can be chosen. Everything is fixed as 1728 pixels
wide (in 215 mm), vertical resolution is fine (7.7 lines/mm), compression
is 1-D Huffmann, no error correction mode, no binary file transfer. This,
however, is purely a software matter, and thus fixable.
It is probably easiest to start at the Rexx script that glues together the
functionality of the other programs.
Basically you write a text file interspersed with simple formatting
parameter sets. Every block of text between parameters is processed to fax
data. No text-fitting is currently done; you must make sure yourself that
everything fits on the paper. You must have specific provisions for
directing output for each page to a separate fax file.
Several options apply to more than one of the subprograms. It is therefore
best to discuss them now. Generally, all options must be given before the
input files.
.ul "-o fax-file
You must always select an output file.
.ul "-a
Append to output file, instead of overwriting it. Set by all2fax for
all fileparts but the first.
.ul "-x/y x/y-offset
Normally, all fax data is offset by 50 pixels both horizontally and
vertically. The x offset is needed to prevent any data to fall off the
left edge of the paper.
The y offset is only needed for the first part of a fax page, if at all.
.I all2fax
resets the -y option to 0 for every part after the first.
.ul "-v
Verbose. Some subprograms support this, some don't.
.ul "-i
Invert pixels before conversion. Probably only useful for converting
ILBM images.
.ul "-r
Raw. Don't append an end-of-page marker to the output. This option is
set initially, but reset for the very last part (this is detected by the
end of file condition when reading its text).
The commands supported by all2fax are:
.ul "@@.args <args>
Process the preceeding file part by running it though asc2iff, and set
the given arguments (in addition to those given earlier) for the next part.
Most options will be left untouched and remain in effect for succeeding
parts (exceptions are -a, -r, -y). Binary options (switches) can be reset
with a double dash (as in --a).
.ul "@@.doit <args>
Set the given arguments, just as .args would, and process the
preceeding file part with asc2iff.
.ul "@@.iff <args>
Process the given arguments, and run iff2fax with the relevant
.ul "@@.raw <args>
Run append with the relevant parameters plus those given here. Note
that these are not processed in the usual fashion - these arguments are
purely one-shot.
Append is used to append a previously created (raw) fax file to the output.
This is useful for including output of FaxPrinter.
.ul "@@.rexx <cmd>
Execute the given rexx command.
.ul "@@.shell <cmd>
Execute the given shell command.
Now on to the information specific to the several subprograms.
.ul "asc2fax
.ul "-f any.font -s size
Select the font and size to be used. Remember that because of the
resolution of a fax, you need quite large fonts. Suggested mininum sizes
are 30+ pixels for fixed-with fonts, 50+ for proportional fonts. These
will allow approximately 80 characters of text per line.
.ul "iff2fax
Iff2fax is for including ILBMs verbatim (or inverted). No scaling of any
kind is done. To get scaled (and possibly dithered) pictures of appropriate
size it is probably best to use the FaxPrinter.
This program would actually be more accurately named "ilbm2fax", but
perhaps more general iff support will be provided in the future (though I
doubt it). But in any case, iff2fax delves into complex IFF files and
converts all FORM ILBMs that it finds, each on a separate page, respecting
the -x/-y offsets.
Because faxsend doesn't support multiple-page fax files yet, you
.ul "must
use -r to suppress the page terminators in the case of IFFs with multiple
ILBMs. This simply glues all pages underneath each other.
.ul "FaxPrinter
This is not a stand-alone program, but is a standard Preferences
printer driver instead. This enables you to create fax graphics from your
favourite graphics or printing program (for example, DeluxePaint, ADPro,
Post, Ghostscript). Colour graphics can be dithered this way, but please
note that the fax data "compression" algorithm behaves very badly on
dithered graphics (a single white or black pixel is encoded in a 6 or 3 bit
sequence, respectively). You are advised to use black & white graphics
whenever possible, unless you don't mind an enormous phone bill.
FaxPrinter is the only part of El Cheapo Fax that can generate low-density
(i.e. non-fine) fax data. Therefore you should select a printer density of
4 or higher.
The -r(aw) switch is implemented by the "SPECIAL_NOFORMFEED" printer flag.
Your printing program should enable you to set this, usually with an option
like "no formfeed" or "don't eject paper".
Support for text output is completely absent from FaxPrinter. You can use a
wordprocessor that prints text as grapics, or asc2fax.
When running on 2.0+, FaxPrinter uses an ASL file requester to get the
name of the file to write in. When ASL is not available, the filename
used will be FAX:faxrastportdump.
You can view a fax file by converting it to an IFF ILBM file (using
fax2iff) and viewing it with your favourite picture viewer. It is
recommended that it is capable of displaying very large pictures, and that
you select a high resolution display mode (at least hires interlace).
Mostra performs great for this.
Fax2iff can optionally invert the fax for you (-i), if your viewer program
uses black as background and white as foreground color.
A PAL hires/interlace display mode has approximately the same aspect ratio
as a fine mode fax. My monitor displays approximately 2.4 pixels/mm
horizontally and 2.66 pixels/mm vertically, while a fine fax is 8 pixels/mm
horizontally and 7.7 pixels/mm vertically. A fax will thus appear a bit too
wide. An NTSC mode would be 2.4/2.01 and make the fax a bit too tall. In
both cases, the fax will be over 3 times enlarged on screen.
You send a prepared series of fax files with faxsend. The parameters are
simply the phone number to be called and the names of the files to send.
Remember, only one page per file.
The phone number is given as a Hayes modem style dial string. It is simply
appended to an ATDT command. Valid dial characters are:
0-9 Numeric Digits
* # A-D Auxiliary Digits
T Tone Dialing
P Pulse Dialing
, Pause for (S8) seconds, default is 2 seconds
/ Pause 1/8 second in dialing sequence
W Wait for second Dial Tone
The -l option allows you to select the verboseness of progress reporting.
Values are from 1 to 8, 8 being most verbose. Default logging level is 5,
which reports warnings and all more serious messages.
Specifying a level in the range 11-18 has the same effect as a level of
10 lower but also logs the resulting messages in the file "faxlog".
The serial device to be used for the faxmodem can be specified with -f
unit/nameof.device. Default is -f 0/serial.device. Both parts of the string
can be omitted.
(currently untested!)
To receive faxes, you should start faxrecv. When it detects any input
from the modem (presumably a RING message) it will attempt to answer the
call in fax mode. There is no need (and in fact, you should not) set your
modem to autoanswer mode.
Incoming faxes are written into subdirectories of a spool directory (-d
option), with each page in a separate file, plus a LOG file containing
session information. The given directory must end in a : or /.
The default incoming directory is FAX:incoming/ .
To immediately answer the phone (if it is already ringing) specify the
-i option. In this case, faxrecv answers the phone immediately after
If you insist on auto-answer, and have some front-door program that can
detect fax calls, double the -i option. In this case, the modem is not
initialised, the phone not answered (because it already has been), and fax
commands are issued immediately. This is experimental. For information,
this would work with most faxes as follows: Give the commands AT +FCLASS=0
+FAA=1 S0=(1-255). The fax will then eventually reply with "FAX" or
"CONNECT speed".
Significant parts of this package have been lifted from other packages.
The following copyrights apply:
For tofax.c (derived from Ghostscript 2.2's file gdevdfax.c):
.nf;.in 0
* Copyright 1992 DigiBoard, Inc. All rights reserved
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted.
* This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
/* gdevdfax.c */
/* DigiBoard, Inc. DigiFAX driver for Ghostscript. */
The rest of this file is a FAX encoding algorithm
derived from pbmplus. It is not the normal DigiFAX algorithm.
The following copyright applies.
** Copyright (C) 1989 by Paul Haeberli <paul@@manray.sgi.com>.
** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
** implied warranty.
.fi;.in @@ni
For fromfax.c (derived from pbmplus' file g3topbm.c):
.nf;.in 0
/* g3topbm.c - read a Group 3 FAX file and produce a portable bitmap
** Copyright (C) 1989 by Paul Haeberli <paul@@manray.sgi.com>.
** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
** implied warranty.
.fi;.in @@ni
For the printer driver, part of the code is a stripped-down version of
Commodore's example printer driver for the HP Laserjet.
@Initial revision
@d19 1
a19 1
Usage: faxsend phone [files..]
d21 1
a21 1
Usage: faxrecv -d queuedir/ -f faxdevice -l loglevel -v -i
d229 3
d247 1
d256 4
a259 1
commands are issued immediately. This is experimental.